Unit Overview:
In welding operations, workers are in a daily contact with harmful weld fume particulate. Most of these particles are respirable (enter the lungs), which makes it critical to have reliable, high performance fume collectors, weld fume extraction and weld smoke filters that collect the fume before it reaches your welder’s breathing zone.
Products Included :
Easy-Trunk™ and Porta-Trunk™
Downflo® Ambient
Weld Bench Fume Collectors
The Downflo® Ambient (DFA) is a powerful ambient collector developed specifically to help address challenges in your welding operation. The collector’s ductless installation is helpful for facilities challenged by overhead space limitations or frequent layout changes.
The DFA is designed to collect fumes from the welding field as they rise. The collector then returns filtered air near floor level to assist with air circulation. Multiple extractors can be placed throughout the manufacturing area to account for a wide variety of materials, piece sizes, and various weld locations requiring a different set-up.
The Donaldson Torit® Weld Bench is a work bench designed specifically for fume collection in welding operations. The Donaldson Torit® Weld Bench fume dust collector is a flexible, convenient alternative to moving extraction arms.