Ambient air cleaners effectively remove ambient pollutants without the need of a dust collector and ducting. They are low maintenance units that can easily be mounted to a wall, hang from the ceiling, and some of them can be placed on a shelf. They can be used in a variety of applications from wood shops, to fire stations, to classrooms.
APPLICATIONS: Provides efficient removal of irritating contaminants such as smoke,chemical fumes, mist, or dust.
METHOD OF OPERATION: Dirty air enters one side of the collector and is trapped inthe filters and clean air is exhausted.
INSTALLATION: Suspend from the ceiling with chains/threaded rod or hang on the wall with brackets.
Avoid health and safety hazards that cause respiratory ailments.
Reduce make-up air requirements by cleaning and re-circulating air versus exhausting outside.
Reduce housekeeping by filtration with air borne particles that settle one quipment.
Lower in cost for the amount of cfm.Assists meeting OSHA standards (based upon filtration and design considerations).